What is microneedling and how can it help your skin?

Acne scars, fine lines, pigmentation and redness can be tricky things to solve. If topical skincare products aren’t doing enough to improve the appearance of these things then microneedling might be the treatment for you!

Microneedling has been around since 1995, but has recently gained popularity due to new technology and the prominence of social media. Videos and photos of the impressive results have encouraged many people to try microneedling for themselves. But what actually is microneedling, who is it suited to and how long do results take? Read on to find out.

What does microneedling involve?

Microneedling can be used on pretty much any part of the body, but is usually applied to the face and neck. It’s a minimally painful and invasive procedure that involves micro (very small and thin) sterilised needles being inserted into the skin. This has the effect of creating minor trauma to the skin - which isn’t as scary as it sounds. Your body’s natural reaction to injury is to heal it right away, so when your skin is punctured by the micro needles, it will stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Clever, right? This helps to make the skin appear more youthful, plumped and healthy. 

Is microneedling painful?

The idea of needles may be enough to put off some people - but the needles used in microneedling are so small that the procedure feels more like pin pricks or scratching when performed correctly. It’s important to visit a trained skincare provider to minimise discomfort. 

Who is microneedling for?

Microneedling is for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin - whether that’s reducing scarring, giving skin a youthful, plumped look or reducing fine lines and wrinkles. 

While microneedling is generally a very safe procedure, it’s important to do your research to make sure it is performed properly and your specific needs are taken into account. It’s a good idea to speak to your skincare provider first to find out if it's for you.

Microneedling shouldn’t be used on anyone that has active skin cancer, open wounds, sores, or irritated skin, relevant allergies or a bleeding disorder. It’s also not for you if you’re on Accutane or are pregnant / nursing.

How long does microneedling take and how long does it last?

Each session of microneedling will vary depending on your skin and how many areas you want treated. Typically, it will take around 20-30 minutes per session.

Microneedling can give dramatic, amazing results - but it’s definitely not a quick fix. It’s recommended that you undergo a series of microneedling treatments to achieve the results you want. Depending on your skin and treatment areas, you should see results from anywhere between 1-6 sessions which are usually spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Generally, microneedling will last for 3-5 months, although this can vary for each person depending on how long new collagen lasts in your skin, and how prominent your skin concerns are.

The results can vary and following the aftercare is there to protection your skin and maintain results.

Where can I get microneedling done?

Lots of beauty clinics now offer microneedling, but it’s important to choose one that has well-trained professionals who know what they’re doing and will take your needs into account.

Here are Sleek Aesthetics, we have over 15 years of experience in the industry so you can rest assured that we will provide you with great customer service and quality treatments. We will be offering microneedling from July 2022 - book now or contact us to find out more.

We will be using SkinPen as our microneedling device, as it is the only FDA approved microneedling pen available in the UK. SkinPen is proven to provide safe and effective treatments that guarantee amazing results.


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